IELTS Speaking Part 1

Questions about familiar topics

Speaking is one of the most intimidating aspects of English, so it goes without saying that it's one of the most challenging parts of the IELTS test. So what exactly happens during Speaking Part 1? Let's break it down.

  • 1st) You sit down with the examiner (Yes! There is someone in the room with you. This is very different from the TOEFL test). This lasts for 4-5 minutes.
  • 2nd) You will be asked around 12 questions on 3 topics.
  • 3rd) The 12 questions will be about things you are very familiar with: yourself, your hometown, your interests, etc.

Watch these great videos from IELTS Liz, E2 Language, and IELTS Master so you know exactly what to talk about on test day!


IELTS Speaking Part 2

Time to chat with the examiner!

Don't worry about it, but it's time to talk to the examiner now. Don't think of the test giver as your opponent, in fact they're there to help you speak and facilitate conversation. Let's dissect Part 2 so your band (score) only continues to grow!

  • 1st) You will chat with the examiner for 3-4 minutes
  • 2nd) You will talk about only 1-subject, and like with Part 1, it's a subject that you are very familiar with (friends, family, home country, etc.)
  • 3rd) Be ready to explain, elaborate, and give detail about these topics. Do not give any 1-word responses!

Let IELTS Liz, E2 Language, and IELTS Master show you how to talk about these topics more abstractly


IELTS Speaking Part 3

Your Part 2 topic becomes a little more abstract (and you continue your chat with the examiner)!

Okay, so you just finished talking with the examiner about some topic, maybe it was your favorite vacation destination. Now you have to continue that topic, but the examiner will ask much broader questions that require more thought. Let's take a look at the specifics.

  • 1st) This discussion continues from the Part 2 topic, but is a little longer at 4-5 minutes.
  • 2nd) Questions are broader now, so be prepared to respond more thoughtfully to these questions.

IELTS Speaking Practice Tests

So cool! Thanks IELTS Liz

If you want to know what score you can reasonably achieve, it's very important to take some practice tests. Why? They'll let us know what to focus on and what to focus less on. If you need a little more guidance, here's how you should use them.

  • 1st) Take the first practice test before you beging to study and prepare yourself for the speaking parts.
  • 2nd) Take the second practice test after having studied each of the speaking parts.
  • 3rd) Relax! Take a deep breath! You're done studying. You've done everything that you could do. There's no reason to worry, because nothing will change.

Good luck! Knock it out of the park!